New users only
(Returning users, please look here Apple Sign in - Existing users )
If this is your first time registering and/or subscribing to On3, you can create a profile quickly with the Apple sign in options.
1. On the login page, tap the button that says "Continue with Apple"
2. After you use Face ID, Touch ID, or your device's passcode to confirm your identity, your information will autofill into the necessary fields.
At this step, you can also select whether or not you want to use Apple's Hide My Email service. This service makes it so third-party services can't send you spam.
Ensure that your information is correct, and choose whether or not you want to use Hide My Email.
NOTE – For best results, choose “Share My Email” so that On3 Support can assist you with your account.
3 Use Face ID, Touch ID, or your device's passcode to complete the signup process.
How to use Sign in with Apple on a computer
1. Open the website you'd like to sign up for and choose "Apple" where the site offers alternate sign-in options
Select "Apple" from the list of alternate sign-in options.
2. Enter your Apple ID username and password.
Enter your Apple ID information.
3. A verification code will be sent to your Apple device. Enter that code on the computer, then continue.
Enter the verification code sent to your Apple device.
4. If you trust the device and browser you're using, and you don't want to have to use a verification code next time you log in, click "Trust" before continuing. If not, click "Don't Trust." If you're not sure, click "Not Now."
5. Click "Continue'" to confirm your Apple ID and finish logging in.
6. The final step will be to add a username to your account. This username should be unique. It will show as your handle in forum threads and conversations.
Note –your Apple/Google account will not have access to the premium content until a subscription is added to your profile.