On3's editorial team consistently produces high-quality articles which are made possible through advertisements. Your support in whitelisting On3.com in your ad blocker ensures that we can continue to deliver great content.
How to Whitelist On3.com on Different Web Browsers:
Google Chrome:
- AdBlock Plus:
1. Click the AdBlock Plus icon on the top right.
2. Choose "Enabled on this site" to disable ad blocking.
3. Refresh the On3 page.
- AdBlock:
1. Click the AdBlock icon.
2. Select "Don’t run on pages on this domain."
3. Click "Exclude" and refresh the page if necessary.
- AdBlock Plus:
1. Click the AdBlock Plus icon.
2. Choose "Disable on On3.com."
3. Refresh the On3 page.
- AdBlock:
1. Click the AdBlock icon.
2. Select "Don’t run on pages on this domain."
3. Click "Exclude" and refresh the page if needed.
- AdBlock Plus:
1. Click the AdBlock Plus icon on the Safari toolbar.
2. Choose "Enabled on this site."
3. Refresh the On3 page.
- AdBlock:
1. Click the AdBlock icon.
2. Select "Don’t run on pages on this domain."
3. Click "Exclude" and refresh the page if required.
Internet Explorer:
- AdBlock Plus:
1. Click the AdBlock Plus icon.
2. Choose "Disable on On3.com."
3. Refresh the On3 page.
- AdBlock:
1. Click the AdBlock icon.
2. Select "Don’t run on pages on this domain."
3. Click "Exclude" and refresh the page if necessary.
iOS Devices (iOS9 and above):
- Go to Settings > Safari > Content Blockers or Extensions.
- Disable your ad blocker and refresh the On3 page.
Corporate-level Ad Blocking:
- Contact your IT support team to whitelist On3.com domain.
- If not possible, reach out to support@on3.com for assistance.
- You may also need to include .tinypass.com and .piano.io in your allow list.